Event 1: The Moot Court
“The one who knows all the answers, has not been asked all the questions.”
The Moot Court Competition not only hones participants’ legal skills but also fosters critical thinking and persuasive communication, showcasing the brightest legal minds of tomorrow. Prepare to be inspired by the eloquence and tenacity of these future legal leaders, united in their pursuit of justice and excellence.
This event invites teams of three members (two speakers + one researcher) each and a maximum of two entries per school (cross school teams are strictly prohibited).
Registration fee: ₹2500 per participant
Cash prizes: 1. Best Team: ₹15000
2. Runners-up: ₹10000
3. Best Mooter: ₹6000
General guidelines, scoring and marking criteria can be found in the Official Brochure of Legal Conclave 5.0.
We welcome students from classes XI & XII only. The competition’s structure is as follows:
DAY 1 : 25th August, 2023
There will be two Preliminary Rounds on Day 1.
Preliminary Round 1: Oral Submissions
Each team will get the opportunity to present its stance from the side of one party.
The time limit for oral submissions will be 15 minutes for each team, this time limit is inclusive of the time for rebuttals/sur rebuttals.
The time split between the speakers must be communicated to the Court Secretary before the beginning of each round. Each speaker must speak for minimum 10 minutes.
Each team must bring three hard copies of their Memorials.
Preliminary Round 2 : Oral Submissions
The parties will change sides in this round and speak on behalf of the other party represented by them in the previous round.
All other rules remain the same as Preliminary Round 1.
The 6 highest scoring teams at the end of Day 1 will qualify for the Semi Finals on Day 2.
DAY 2 : 26th August, 2023
Round 3: Semi Finals (Knockout Round)
Each team will get only one stance to present. The total time allowed to present oral arguments is 20 minutes. This is inclusive of the time for rebuttals/sur rebuttals.
Each team must bring four hard copies of Memorials.
All other rules remain the same as Preliminary Round 1.
As it is an elimination round, the 2 highest teams at the end of Semi Finals move to the Finals.
Round 4: The Final Round
The two qualifying teams will present their stance only once as Petitioner and Defendant.
Each team is allowed 30 minutes to present their oral submissions. This time, is again, inclusive of the time for rebuttals/sur rebuttals.
The winner of the Finals will be awarded as the “Best Team”, the second team of the finals will be awarded as “Runners-up” and the highest scoring participant over both days will be awarded as the “Best Mooter”.
For registration, click here.
Mode of Payment: Payment Link will be shared through an SMS to the representative’s number once the registration process is complete. Registration will be confirmed only after the receipt of the registration fee.
For queries/clarifications, contact: Ms. Geetanjali Sharma | 7986505626, 9988959197